You may have noticed there is someone new in town! We spotted this adorable newbie a few weeks back with wobbly brand new baby legs walking through the National Park in St. John and just had to pause for a picture. Since then we have seen him/her almost every day growing stronger and learning the lay of the land. Look how cuuuute!
Non-Native Wild Animals
Like many non-native animals here in the islands the donkeys are wild. Though we are unsure of when exactly they were introduced their stories date back to the plantation days when they were used primarily for running the sugar mills, their sturdy power and even transportation. You can find these adorable and (mostly) friendly donkeys roaming the streets, beaches, sugar mills and sometimes back yards. That said, be careful if you turn your back on your lunch…they might just snatch it up! Like any wild animal, feeding the donkeys is frowned upon as their natural diet consists on fruit they find in nature, grass, tree shrub and other desert like plants.
You can find these curious creatures in many places here in the US Virgin Islands but primarily in St. John with a concentration in the Virgin Islands National Park. Cruz Bay, St. John, also known as love city at times, is a beautiful and unique place for many reasons. One of those reasons is the donkeys and another is the people. They people here are very special, mostly loving and communal. So as you can imagine we look out for each other AND the donkeys. When the island becomes very dry you may catch a good samaritan at any time leaving a bucket of water here or there for the donkeys. If that doesnt warm your heart, what will?!
So, theres our little piece on the donkeys, the “new guy” and just another reason these beautiful islands are so special!